The Canadian School of Naturotherapies and Spiritual Development is an ONLINE school offering a wide spectrum of courses for individuals
wishing to:
The student may receive a Certificate for each course or receive a Diploma as a Registered Integrative Naturotherapist (R.I.N.) with specializations in Reiki, Intuitive Counseling or Energy Therapies.
Naturotherapies encompass a small continuum of therapeutic approaches grouped into the following categories:
These individuals may include: Massage Therapists, Reflexologists, Energy Workers, Light Workers, Spa Practitioners, Reiki Teachers/Practitioners, NAET Specialists, Meditation Practitioners/Teachers, Nurses, Patient Care or Elder Care Assistants, NLP Practitioners, EFT Practitioners, Acupuncturists, Ministers, Homeopaths, Naturopaths, etc.
The CSNSD was founded by individuals with Naturotherapy backgrounds who are dedicated to ensuring that the greater population have access to additional therapies that can be integrated with existing health practices to meet the demands of citizens seeking support in an already over-burdened health-care system. It is understood that at times alternative therapies can offer support in a way that existing health practices cannot, and vice-versa. Together we can meet the ‘whole’ needs of individuals seeking to support or improve their health.
It is our sincere ambition to bring Naturotherapies into every health institution. As such, we are choosing to educate our Registered Integrative Naturotherapists with the latest resources and guide them in positive, ethical and supportive ways, ensuring the highest quality of graduates entering the health community.
We believe that self-awareness, and opportunities to raise our consciousness and accelerate our spiritual growth will assist us in living with joy. Gaining a greater sense of oneness, attaining true self-acceptance and self-love, having freedom from expectations and attachments, and allowing others to be who they are, are just some of the benefits of expanding our spirituality.
Our courses will inspire you to seek the answers within and radiate out love and acceptance, leading to greater peace overall. These courses will assist you in dissolving ego and not replenishing it through spiritual materialism (great attachment to your spiritual ideals). You will be supported in embracing humbleness and humility and excelling in expansion of your heart of compassion. Whether you pray, meditate, chant, sing or seek presence in each moment, our goal is to offer a course that will support you in gentle surrender, understanding that you already know who you are at your essential nature and are now seeking to allow your beautiful sacred being through. We truly look forward to this journey with you!